Bori and I are doing a blog for scenes 19-24. We shot the last scene for the storyboard. The shooting took about an hour to an hour and a half. This project has been fun lately but the blogs kill me most of the time. Especially when you have homework to do and sports. This made the scenes tight to fit in to our schedule. This scene was harder to do because we had blood in this scene. We had to change the script and the victim is now going to be on the toilet than in the tub. We did this because if the victim.was going to be in the tub, we would have to put a pool of blood in the tub leaking out and that's too much work. The tub scene gives us a little blood that we can easily clean up. The blood was easy to make. We had to mix powdered sugar, cocoa powder, food coloring , and water. Fist,, we had to put the entire packet off powdered sugar in the blender and add water. This was the hardest part because the powemder got everywhere. We added food coloring. Lastly we added cocoa powder and started blending again. The blood came out thick a few times. After a few more blending, the blood started to look like real blood. After. This we finally filmed the last shot and called it a day. Althoigh I had to take a long shower, it was worth it.
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