Friday, January 17, 2020

The beginning of the final task

  My name is emanas. I grew up in florida and I dont plan on leaving anytime soon. I have 3 siblings, 2 younger brothers and a sister. I honestly dont take interest in anything quickly and find most things boring. However, I never failed to have people from anywhere like me because I can be fun. I have two loving parents that love me to the point where its annoying. My grades have decent so far but not good enough  to stay in the magnet program at my school. This has been frustrating me for so long to a point where  I got grey hairs in my head.  I feel like i can never be good enough to do anything in life because I fail from time to time. That's why I'm working with bori and going to do my best on the final task and my other classes to stay in the magnet program. Also, it's because I like this class and the concept of film.

  I learn many terms for film and in such short time. I learned about the different camera angles. It's kinda cool to learn about the things you watch everyday because you dont lots about it. I learned more editing tools and methods. I also learned that British people dont grade to well. What I really was interested in was editing.  Editing was always easy for me and I took interest in it when I was young. I like it when my editing is clean and perfect to where I like it. I need better computers though because mine is really out of date. I still need practice and I'm sure I can get better.
    A media pitch is a brief letter, email or phone call offering a news story to a journalist or editor at a newspaper, magazine, radio or television station. The aim of the pitch is to create interest in the story and to find out if the contact is willing to use it.
   Our teacher told us to do 3 pitches to make and choose from for our movie. The first pitch was a scene of a man walking down a street then suddenly, a cop pulls up and starts chasing him. This scene will show lots of camera angles and pans. The second pitch is my favorite one. It's a scene where two friends hang out in a house. One leaves and screams for help. The friend is dead with stab wound and blood leaking out of his body. The friend sees the killer staring at him in the shower. The friend calls for help. The third pitch is a scene of a friend giving another drugs and the other faints. The friend doesn't know what to do.

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