Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre research: sinister 2

Sinister 2 is a movie about a young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death. Following the events from the first film, a different family; a mother and her 2 sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.the camera angles in the movie are very notable and impressive. The close ups, long shots, over the shoulder shots, and medium shots gives the watcher chills. The costume of the boogie man is terrifying.  He wears a tux and is very tall which gives him a slender man type of look. The acting in the movie are mediocre at least but good enough to watch. The make up of the boogie man was terrific. His face is all white with no mouth to which is why he doesn't speak. The props in the  movie contrast the sinister tone of  the movie as most of the props are crusafixes  and other holy objects. The setting of the movie brings a farm type of look as the family lives in a farm house in the middle of nowhere. The common sound was decent but most of the time all there was were lame spikes of eary jumpscare music. The movie was like those wierd creepypastas you'd see on youtube.The elements of the movie are darkness, gore, dismemberment, jumps scares, and filming. The filming element is the element I dont like because it doesn't bring out the creepiness it was intended to make.

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